A level of inebriation where one consumes so much alcohol that he/she blacks out. The term is often associated with having the best night of your life. Often considered one step above white girl wasted, being blackout barbie is the ultimate level of drunkenness. After being blackout barbie you will wake up knowing you had an amazing night, although you will not remember any of it.
Barbie: Yo Ken, you we're so drunk last night!
Ken: I don't remember anything I must have been blackout barbie.
Barbie: Did you have fun at least?
Ken: I woke up in a stranger's bed... so YES!
by Kendrick West February 10, 2014
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When you are so horny you forget all rational.
A: “Bro I can’t believe you hooked up with that 4”

B: “man, I can’t even remember why, I was blackout horny
by I’m blackout horny December 17, 2020
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The day before Thanksgiving. This Wednesday is the biggest bar night of the year, therefore you should get blacked out. No one has work or class the next day, so there are NO EXCUSES.
Absolutely, this Blackout Wednesday is going to be epic.
by mark brochez November 21, 2010
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Where you party until you get blackout drunk and get naked. Then proceed to hump everyone in the room and put your genitals in their face. Usually consists of staying naked the rest of the night.
"Watch your girl, here comes Blackout Pat"
"It's like a penis but smaller"
I got so Blackout Pay last night I lost all my clothes"
by Republic of Texas May 18, 2016
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when one gets caught up into the process of eating and at the end of it forgets how much one ate.
Dude i had food blackout once I ate like 3 hot pockets, family size bag of Doritos, a oven pizza, and went to Mcdonalds in the past hour.
by Slow tom a.k.a El Heffe October 20, 2010
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(N) When you find yourself a party with two or more people that think you are 'serious' with them, leaving you with only one logical choice: to blackout, so you don't need to choose one/ make things awkward for the future. Tryna f(x).
Hogarth: Dude, fuck. Both Nicole AND Alex are at this party and they both think we have something going. I can't let either one of them see me with the other.

P-Rod: Isn't it obvious, asshole? You need a STRATEGIC BLACKOUT.

Hogarth: Holy fuck, you fucking genius, pass me the fucking Wolfschmidt.

P-rod: I deserve a Nobel Fucking Peace Prize.

Hogarth: I fucked ur mom loljk.
by Animalcrackers April 26, 2014
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A drink developed at Cheers Lounge. Made from Crown Royal and Blue Monster. Or Made with Apple Crown and White Monster. Drinking this combination in shots does exactly what its called. You have a tendency to black out.
Dirty Darrell asks man what happened to me last night I don't remember shit.

His friend tells him man you had like 10 blackout bombs.

Dirty Darrell says that explains that's what happened to me then.
by N15TH December 4, 2014
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