Slang for the "Sam's Choice" brand of discount sodas sold at Wal-Mart. Particularly the standard Coca-Cola knockoff. Short for "choice beverage". Famous for its odd yet addicting flavor, and ridiculously cheap price.
"Hey Nate, can I grab a Choice Bev?"
by Doc Jowles December 21, 2005
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A Hot Bev' or hot beverage, can be used in place of any hot drinks name. Instead of Tea, Coffe, Hot Chocolate etc.

Commonly used as a quick way to ask if another person would like to go and get a hot drink
James: '' Hot Bev'? ''


James: '' Josh, you had a hot bev' yet? ''

Josh: '' Nah mate, lets go get a hot bev' beofre the milk runs out ''
by JwJr-h April 1, 2007
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Birds Eye View - as in when a bird is giving head you get a birds eye view of her head
What is her BEV like? Show us ya bev!
by Don Deep May 22, 2008
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When you go sledding at an illegal spot while extremely drunk. You don’t have any mode of transportation except your feet and your sled, and you’re so hammered you forget who you were ah going out with.
Yo Henry you tryna sled and bev tonight? I'll pay for alc.
by harreballs February 21, 2022
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weed + alcohol

derives from the marijuana plant(that good kush) and good ole ale.
James: Ayy bro are you staying after band rehearsal for some silly and bev??
Hunter: Nah bro, im still on probation
James: come on one hit

Hunter: No
James: Yes
Huner: You're stoned
James: ikik
Bennett: im silly and bevvin out
by MajorWoody March 1, 2017
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Bev syndrome is Stockholm syndrome but for women, who entraped men and then kidnapped them, but made the men fell in love with her when he's kidnapped.
"Do you know that andra suffered from bev syndrome"
by Jaydogman January 7, 2021
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Anger resulting from the lack or completion of an alcoholic beverage.
Oh shit, Mark finished his drink. Get him another one, he gets serious bev-rage.
by WillWillSmithSmith February 7, 2016
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