Breasts that are so small they are the same size as batteries AA and AAA. Non-boobs.
Look at that lass over there man, she has fucking battery tits!
by eungkid February 7, 2011
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Car battery is where two dudes called christopher and greg get electronically charged and have anal sexual intercourse and set fire with there chargers
by no problem bruh August 24, 2017
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What you are if you own an Android device.
"Angela was so battery paranoid about her Droid X that she turned off her Wifi, GPS and automatic syncing."
by November 7, 2011
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Battery Browne also known as barry Browne steals car battery’s takes the acid out of the inside and sells them as dealz vape juice on eBay to underage children
by The Cameron doran September 16, 2020
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"Battery Vine" is a short video of a man screaming at poor batteries.
"Battery Vine" goes like this:

by Memey God September 14, 2018
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a Seattle grunge band formed in 1989 by Ron Nine that not many people know about

they mixed psychedelic guitar riffs with the 90's Seattle sound

they're really good

If you like grunge music, you should check out Love Battery
by kimboslice1337 November 24, 2008
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When you are using an app or playing a game and it runs your battery down at an alarming rate. Usually on your phone or device with a battery...
Avid gamer: 'Dude, this draw something game is awesome!'

Pessimist: 'Yeah, but it totally sucks battery...'
by Nucking_Futs April 22, 2012
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