When a cat claws your leg whilst purring (also known as kneading). You know that cat wants a fuckin.
jasper s horny. that cat knit yo' shit... man he wants it bad. awww yeah.
by HornyCat September 4, 2010
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When someone stutters or stumbles their words while talking usually resulting in an awkward silence or pause. Can also be applied when someone trips up or spills something.
by Free.lover November 19, 2022
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The courage needed to face or overcome an immediate obstacle. Almost always used in a negative connotation.
Cash: Guys, let's go. I'm tired and just wanna sleep.
Timmons: Bitch, you ain't got no shit in yo ass. We'll go when I SAY it's time.
Cash: Yes, master.
by Legacy 09 July 27, 2010
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