I gave a taco to a lonely person, who has to buy his friends, now he phil me where ever I go. Finally I said,' STOP PHILLING ME! YOUR CREEPING ME OUT!'
by sailsman December 11, 2010
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Jim: hey ya twat you’re a massive fucking phil!
by Coolestguy64 June 18, 2018
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Usually a really terrible name for a guy. The guy likes to blow other men, and tell them they are muscular. This guy also showers with other men. This guy pushes his buttcheeks against other men's buttcheeks in order to become aroused. This guy also likes to wear goofy ass pajama pants and round glasses, often thinking they look good, when in reality, they look like a retarded piece of shit. This specimen, named Phil, likes to listen to early 80's femme lesbian rap mixed with white noise.

Usually their preferred targets are hispanics with dad bods who may or may not be special.
Hey, that's Phil over there! He's a dooche!
by phillover6969 September 7, 2017
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Phil. Otherwise known as a typically over weight shit-scum who generally has no direction in life. Phil ain't shit and deep down he knows it.
Dude I can't bear another day at work surrounded by these phils
by Leakyweiner December 19, 2017
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To constantly fall into a deep sleep while at work, usually accompanied by loud snoring.
I got in trouble from my boss because she caught me taking a Phil.

After I Philled, I felt completely refreshed for my afternoon meeting.

I need some NoDoz because I keep Philling at my desk.
by verifone July 31, 2006
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A Phil is not a man, woman, it's nothing it's not even a bag of hot Cheetos's it is like a phantom not real like for an example it's like a dog fucking a bobble head it's just not a thing.
Dave: Yo dude my friend got mad at me and called me a Phil what should I do?
Frank: There is nothing you can do I'm sorry.
by Pie King 1 February 10, 2018
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