dingles.....more than one dingle

(see also hill-troll hill-trolls& Burnley
dingles.....a group of people from the yorkshire hamlet of Burnley
by Dr Fox May 7, 2007
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A small woodland were lesbians take young boys to corrupt them.
Oh Sue you didn't take him up the dingle again you dirty tike.
by Gimpton November 19, 2003
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A cigarette - usually one that is smoked during the hours of school.
"George may you pass me a dingle"
by Mystical Schafe September 17, 2018
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"You're being kind of a dingle!" - Pan Pan
"You're acting like a big dingle!" - Grizz
by aiyaheya October 13, 2018
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An extra scrotum with which some men are born. It is located behind the primary scrotum and does not have its own testes; it is an extra empty sack of skin. It gets its name because it sometimes "dingles" down to the butt hole and gets shit on it, dingle-berry style.
Poor Mike tried to take a dump in the woods while camping and got shit all over his dingle because it hung down in front of his anus as he was squatting. On the bright side, he didn't need toilet paper.
by eplane March 27, 2012
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(Rhymes with jingle)
Another great word for gettin' some.

Can also be used when tapping your free-swinging dick lightly on her leg/waist/anywhere else, and saying "dingle-dingle-dingle."
He: Hey, baby, I believe it's time for dingles.
She: Yeah, duh! I've been horny since lunch! Let's go!
He: Dingles it is!


He (hunched over her, usually in the missionary, letting his dick touch her a couple times): "Dingle-Dingle-Dingle!"
by Corporal Grumpy June 23, 2006
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1. derived from latin, this great word had intrinsic value amoung the acient skittles of Rome
2. often used to make fun of a blunder or missunderstanding
3. A nicer alternative to retard or fucking idiot
1. "I fell down the stairs today" "YOU DINGLE!"
2. "WOW, this is like the 16th bithday of (persons name!)DINGLE it is her 16th birthday!"
3. Egg is a meat... DINGLE
4. Does being diabetic make your knuckles more cracky? DINGLE!

by stinkalina October 10, 2005
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