a small boy that is rlly funny and kind but is very small like a crumb
someone : “omg is that a crumb?”

me : “no that’s tiny crumb!”
by sengay101 :) November 9, 2019
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A 2007 hype man with no real musical talent.
Yo, U am not crap, Brap brah!!? I judt dud a tiny tempa
by Kheif keef March 10, 2015
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Tiny Behavior means to act in a way that shows more emotions or body moments and body language to make sure you are heard. Stamping feet, blushing, steam coming out of ears, high pitch whiney voice are ways of defining Tiny Behavior
Most Tiny Behavior is presented in the embodiment of a short women, short men act with Nepolian Sydrome but Short women are defined as Tiny.

In other words women who are short, act a bit bratty and have a act for being heard exhibit Tiny Behavior
Emily was not getting her way in becoming captain of the soccer team so she exhibited Tiny Behavior in hope to get her way.
by PyroPrincess21 February 26, 2023
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A group of short and smelly people.
Bill: Yo, people back in the 1800's were really short and really smelly.
Ted: Yeah, there were sure a lot of tiny onions back then.
by MojoYT September 9, 2020
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When you find out more and more about someone new in your life who is short, and how they keep surprising you with the different layers to their personality.
As Ben got to know Meg, more and more as time went by, it suprised him how many versatile layers such a small persons personality could have. "What a Tiny Onion" he exclaimed.
by BENJAMINBODEL May 10, 2021
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Someone who picks on another person, usually a younger obese child with red hair, pale skin, and freckles.
Butch: "Hey, Thurman Merman, *insults*!!!!"

Tyrone: "Maaaan, dat pinky is a tiny pig nibbler.."
by DiabetesKidlol August 19, 2011
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