n A weekly event occuring at Chapman Steps, whereby a large "Mega Meals" is cooked up by the weekly chef. Often frequented by hordes of women, this event makes the residents of Chapman Steps immensely popular with the ladies.
Hey dude, you going to MEGA MEALS WEDNESDAY this week? Don't forget to bring mucho booze!
by Stu June 10, 2004
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The most amazing awesome wonderful spectacular astonishing breathtaking beautiful handsome pretty gorgeous just purely perfect person In the whole entire world and universe and no one can tell me otherwise or else I will hunt you down.
You, “hey did you see that perso-“

Me, “shut up that’s literally Autumn Serena Wednesday Ebersohl. I love them so much that’s actually my amazing partner wooooowwwww. Don’t even breathe the same air as them.”
by Dango mango June 3, 2024
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The act of drinking only water on the 3rd day of the week to prevent wieght gain. usually practiced by overly socially aware teenage girls.
Girl 1: what are you eating tommorow?
Girl 2: nothing its water wednesdays
by Rey1119 November 25, 2012
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the day of the week where all indiana university students gather to listen to the bad local bands and blackout.
Lets go to bluebird wednesday! Birds the word, man.
by hillelian February 4, 2021
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Drinking tequila with Cheyanne on hump day
Tequila Wednesday was so fun with Cheyanne and when we were done drinking it, we humped.
by Tequila wednesday December 29, 2022
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