An organized arrangement of cockroaches, usually in the formation of a word or phrase.
Dude, did you see that pile over there? I wish I could read.
by Mary Switzer April 21, 2018
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UK. A large, often dilapidated historic country house that posh people live in.
They sold their flat in Chelsea and bought a huge pile in Wiltshire, dahling.
by Equaliser March 4, 2021
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A large collection or group of "Bros". Usually fraternity involved.
Look at that big ass pile about to sexually assault those females.
by Flanneltwat May 12, 2019
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Another term for "69". Simultaneous oral sex.
Oh Debby, I love when we form a suck pile.
by Daaaaaaaad4321 April 19, 2016
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A guy puts a condom on his foot or hand and covers it in lube. Then proceeds to punch/ kick a private part till it goes in.
I saw a guy get a San Francisco pile driver now I'm mentally scarred
by Big chief nutsack July 23, 2016
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The assortment of items gathered around a person while they spend large amounts of time on the couch or on the internet. Designed to encompass everything one would need for entertainment, nourishment, communication, and practical purposes during this time. Common Piggy piles can include one or more of the following items, among others, dependent on the user's personal tastes and needs:

-remote control
-gaming device
-game controller
-pillows, blankets, etc.

These piggy piles have a 99% chance of missing one or more items once the user gets settled in.
I got off work for the weekend, and the first thing I did was set up a piggy pile and zone out for 8 hours.
by meesterseege February 25, 2011
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When you feel at your absolute worst.
I can not make it into work today. I feel like a Pile of Dicks.
by Teebin48 July 11, 2022
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