Two females that will takeover the world through music and so much more. The real definition of Best Friends. Riding with each to the grave.
by TruTruTruhk December 21, 2016
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a girlboss, the hottest, slays every comeback, is hot when she cries, is possibly gay, barely has school friends, anti-social /hj
OMG its Heather P she used to be jn my 3rd grade class 🤪
by Whossthatchick March 28, 2022
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an absolute Mad Fucking Lad, a truly unexplainable person.
the guy from the brother was an absolute Jaidyn Heather
by (not nedyaj) August 22, 2022
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Suburban slang (see “being a Karen,” and “being a Linda”) for (a) constantly being mean to your spouse when unprovoked ; (b) appearing angry with your spouse in public for inexplicable “reasons;” or (c) intentionally knit-picking your spouse in public, primarily because you believe it’s funny to emasculate men in public.
You were being a Heather when you made fun of your husband at the party last night - he was so embarrassed when you said he didn’t know how to fix anything without paying a handyman.
by Piedmontdegen July 17, 2022
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Heather snow is a person with the most amazing personality but can also be toxic but that's rare. That person is also hot and looks really good with red hair. <3
Omg heather snow is such a heather
by Smokey peni October 21, 2020
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1. Smokes cigars in her barren fields of no fucks given

2. Halo game fanatic

3. A girl who speakes her mind and does her best to escape from her miserable family who will not leave her alone. Adventurous and sometimes lonely. She makes an amazing best friend and she always finds a way to make you laugh! Heather Pummills always have an amazong personality and tend to look for the best in people.

4. Stubborn, reliable, bad shit crazy and Resilient.

5. Rated R

6. If you ever have a Her as a lover, be ready for bar fights and the most passionate relationship you've ever had!

7. A complete Bad ass!!

8.Always underestimated and makes the best coworker!

9. Once convinced a pilot to fly her home to get away from a private institution

10. The bestest friend a Macy could ever ask for!

11. Too bloody stupid to apologize (sincere or not) and take the f*ckin money from that studio before she regrets it
"Hell" or "shite" are two things a Heather Pummill would say.
by GreyFoxWolf1999 June 22, 2018
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A person above one pay grade who is a supervisor. Befriends you as your boss. Encourages you to ask for help and assures you it’s okay to ask questions.
Also lies right to everyone’s face.
Dude , I got heathered yesterday, that bitch got me me fired. She encouraged me to take time earned off.
by Lisarn005 September 11, 2023
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