A newly started sex worker.
It's a satiric way to call someone who's a virgin or didn't encountered in a lot of sexual acts.
+ Hey Jeff isn't that Tina overthere? I heard that she lost her virginity at the age of 15
- Yeah i know and she's still a crispy bitch.
by Felixdapizzaboi October 24, 2016
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When an idiot lights the hair on his/her arm on fire and it makes little chuncks at the bottoms of the hairs
Omg look at the little crispys on xaivers arm

Ikr so crispy
by Saidey wilson June 5, 2017
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Its the best food ever in your life. The crispyness...the fry-ness..... Oh my god i want to eat it now.
A: want sum fried chicken crispy wings bro
B: yea sure
A: crunch
B: crunch
by Smiley man •̀͜•́ April 25, 2022
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Mr. Crispy is a man who can only be described as a living legend. His sheer agility and overwhelming confidence cannot be matched. Mr. Crispy is rarely seen because he's always two steps ahead of you. All who gaze upon him will soon suffer devastating defeat, of which none can prepare for. He lives in the wind and feeds on making you look like a noob. It is said that the only way to summon Mr. Crispy, though not recommended, is to cook bacon to the perfect level of crispiness and then scream at the top of your lungs, "I am the crispy king!".
Person who sees Mr. Crispy: "Hey! It's Mr. Cri... damn. I just suffered the most devastating defeat."
by BoieZee1992 December 25, 2022
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When you prefer to get your ass eaten after not wiping for a few days.
I heard Jim prefers crispy craters to normal ass eating. He claims it is more nutritious!
by 808GUAC March 21, 2022
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Very Quick, Very Agile Skaters who make nifty moves and always fin.
by Durant35 November 2, 2012
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