Jerking off with a large jacket or hoodie over your schlong. This can easily be done in public without having attention drawn to you.
Dude, my girlfriend gave me a Jacker Jacket at the movies last night.
by JustaStoner January 14, 2020
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When the white fluff or particles of a brand new jacket or hoodie land on your pants and then there is so much that it looks like a cum stain.
After buying a new jacket, a found loads of jacket cum on my pants the next day.
by The Sloth Milk March 24, 2015
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A thin pliable membrane found in meat or plant based foods, discussed by Laura’s father, to contain, protect, and preserve “meat food”.
“Some of the most disgusting flavored hot dogs ever, have no skin jackets, unlink Tiffanie’s hometown, Johnsonville brats.
by Hermit nerd April 29, 2022
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Oops, gotta put on my chad jacket so we don’t get pregers.”
by Faccceerr March 24, 2018
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a term describing the person who is forced to carry one or more jackets for his/her friends.

occurs especially when friends are out shopping, or when at a party where there is no clear place to leave your jacket.
Jeff: Dude , be my jacket bitch for a minute? Ima try on that sweater over there.

Anne: Quick! Find us a jacket bitch! Standing near the drinks table with our jackets on is so awkward!
by C-Scraps December 20, 2009
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dance someone does when trying to put on their jacket and have one of the arms on but cant grab other one.
i was in such a rush this morning i did a jacket dance for 30 seconds
by ghbstntbnt May 10, 2009
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