The infamous Twitch Plays Pokemon KEKW parody video of Bexxxxxxx exposing the mass corruption and coverups surrounding the SinR fiasco.
"Hey yo did you see that Bex Tape?"
"Yeah man I watched it while eating at Waffle House"
"That seems a bit insensitive considering the subject matter don't you think man?"
by fireball9801 April 6, 2021
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The bureaucratic and social problems, headaches, and inefficiencies generated at a workplace due to internal politics or infighting.
Person 1. "Hey man, could you send me that presentation your boss just showed in the last meeting?"
Person 2. "Why are you asking me?"
Person 1. "Well, my boss doesn't want to look weak in front of your boss by asking for something, so we are trying to go around that."
Person 2. "Man, that is some Brown Tape...are we in middle school?"
by Harryiculus March 24, 2020
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tape 6
tape 6: we are fine now dont worry the old tape just a joke dont trust the old tape(tape 1,2,3,4,5)
by HarryTheRed November 11, 2022
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Location Tape is an original adhesive tape invented for The Television/Film Industry. The first of its kind, derived out of Los Angeles or "HOLLYWOOD" as some call it by a Union Member of LIUNA and IATSE, both International outfits. This Ingenious Inventor and his idea has created a brand and product that forever will be part of the movie making process while making history in its consequence . Simply humble in its elemental form while the impact of this product results in contributing to the future innovators and creators by example. "Work Smarter not Harder" is the motto for The Original Location Tape. Can be sourced at local expendables supply stores.
"Grab some LOCATION TAPE from the cart for the install" or

"Make sure we have LOCATION TAPE for tomorrows locations"
; and its never just one simple easy location either!!!
by LoCoTaPe January 30, 2022
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Can be used two ways,

1. Meaning someone isn’t photogenic or looks gross/bad in a photo
2. When someone is acting really dumb without knowing they are
1: “hey look at this pic I jus posted”
“You really can’t do tape
2: your friend is acting stupid, like they forgot how to human

“Rachel!!, fuck! You can’t do tape!”
by You can’t do tape May 30, 2019
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When teachers lock children in their rooms by "taping" their doors shut.
omg are they taping us right now?! -Camino 2019
by mailereid June 24, 2019
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