A guy/girl’s name that will triple backflip and land it just to tell you you’re dumb
Francesca: Hey Casey how are you?

Casey: Pretty good, what did you get on the English assignment?
Francesca:Oh I failed
Casey: *cartwheels over to her and slaps her across the face*
Casey: I got a A-
Francesca: *walks away contemplating life*
by Sucks4ubeech November 13, 2019
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only sleeping with boys names that start with a J
person A: ah i slept with a j name
person B: you pulled a casey
by leng April 20, 2022
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Casey has an 8ft cock. Can confirm.
Jacob: "Bro, have you seen Casey's cock?"
Andrew: "Naw man, how big is it?"
Jacob: "It is 8 fucking ft long. Absolutely huge. Beautiful shape, perfect girth, the list goes on."
Andrew: "Wow, you're a lucky guy!"
by ClutterB)) July 27, 2022
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Man, Casey has such nice red hair and she has a beautiful, existent soul!
by Herewego January 28, 2018
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Sweet and caring guy who listens, works, and appears to have it all together. Also, he's amazing in bed... Because of all the practice he gets with other women. That's right, Casey's are the biggest con artists ever. They will win at any cost. They're unfaithful, wishy washy, and disloyal to a fault. They're also thieves who are known for being vengeful and petty. They can usually be found banging their ex's while their current girlfriend is at work. Good luck with guys named Casey.
I just caught a case of the Casey and had to go to the clinic.
She just caught him being a Casey in the back seat of his ex's car.
He pulled a Casey and convinced her that he loved her above all else.
by PetMahKitteh May 30, 2022
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Girl: Girl Casey's may seem quiet and reserved at first, but once you get to know her, she'll never let you down. She is someone that you can talk to about anything, and I mean anything. She also has an amazing sense of humor and will never fail to make you laugh. She is always here for you and she will never hurt you.

Boy Casey: Boy Caseys are usually very athletic, intelligent, and overall very attractive. A boy Casey may seem a little uninterested at first if you try to talk to him, but that usually passes and is the sweetest and nicest person you will meet. Like girl Caseys, boy Caseys never fail to let you down.
Person one: I got a girlfriend and her name is Casey
Person 2: Dude Casey? But she's so quiet

Person one: Exactly, that's why she's genuine.

Person one: I got a boyfriend, his name is Casey
Person 2: Dude Casey? He's the most popular boy in the grade! He probably has 4 other girlfriends
Person 1: nah man, he's the most genuine person ever
by myclitisarason7 January 16, 2021
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