solar:hi paris do you know what day it is me:no solar:it’s november 8th will you be my gf paris:yes
by paris/bella October 3, 2021
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Girlfriend: Bro you never post me, why today?

Boyfriend: Because it’s November 8th: national post your girlfriend day
by November 6, 2023
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the day when you push your friend named cody back into the cottonfield whether or not hes black
some guy: hey cody its november 8th
cody: *screaming*
by ballpuncher404 October 31, 2021
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Mark: Oi Jack! November 8th!
Jack: Now is the time to use that super glue on Mark.
by Some-Brainy-Person November 7, 2020
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National no underwear day! Let your babies breath!
Bill: Hey bro, are you wearing underwear?
Jim: Why would I when it's November 8th?!
by broimreallsmart November 2, 2019
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you ''Hey Bailee''
her ''What?''
you"you better run''
her ''why"
you - lifts hand- ''reeeeeeee''
her -runs- ''aaaaahhhhhhhhhh''
you -slap- hits very hard
its november 8th slap your friend named Bailee day!
by hahaloveyallbyenow November 7, 2019
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