When you and your bro fucks the same girl in the ass
Bro becouse of maddy we are dirty eskimo brothers
by N8_higgers May 30, 2018
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If an elder fucks the mother of a daughter you fucked he is your Eskimo grandpa.
My friend's dad fucked the mom of a girl I fucked so he is my Eskimo grandpa
by Big papa Fritchy March 1, 2017
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When you bump noses with your partner, it may seem like you two are giving each other a kiss, but this action is a form of greeting. Whether you boop noses with one another, body language is one of the main ways you can communicate with the beings around you.
Leo and Sandra give each other a Eskimo boop
by Floorboard2 August 19, 2022
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Refreshing and pleasurable act of inserting ice cubes into one’s anus.
person 1: man, I feel so sweaty and hot today…
person 2: why don’t you try eskimo enema?
person 1: oh my god! that was so good, I don’t feel hot anymore.

person 2: told ya!
by slabo_mast August 31, 2021
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1.) When two men acknowledge the fact that they have become intimately involved with a pair of twins and begin to bond over this knowledge.

2.) If they are identical twins this leads to the potential for the two men to become eskimo brothers and eskimo twins. Something few have ever accomplished.
1.) I can’t believe we got with a set of twins at the club last night. I guess that makes us eskimo twins.

2.) It would be legendary to swap twins for the night and get the dual citizenship of eskimo brothers and eskimo twins.
by jud bud July 27, 2021
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When 2 individuals have separate coital relationships with a singular individual in overlapping spans of time.
Jasmine: Calvin and I have been hooking up for a 2 months now.

Ayesha: As in Calvin with the leg tat? I've been hooking up with him for the past few weeks.

Jasmine: That makes us Eskimo Twins
by Calvin - SNA pres October 4, 2023
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When you get a blowjob with iced coffee in their mouth.
I thought I woke up in an igloo when my girlfriend gave me an Eskimo morning.
by Lord_Veilous_Pinny September 20, 2019
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