Defecation on top of a sunroof, moonroof or other type of transparent roofing.
Matt hates his roommate Justin so much that he drops a messy SPF 2 on his Chevy's moonroof once a week.
by Hot Franklin December 1, 2021
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If someone holds up 2 fingers they think King Daniel is the hottest mf in the world
Did you see he/or she holding up 2 fingers? They must think King Daniel is hot.
by poopyhead420blazin May 24, 2022
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when youre so bored you decided to write every key from left to right (including numpad) and also the shift versions of those keys.
man, im so bored, im gonna type `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+/*-qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|789+aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"456zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?123 0. into urban dictionary and see whats there!
by monokuma plush toy August 28, 2023
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This is part 2 and maybe there might be a part 3!

Ste Hill and Dave Parky both say they’re hard as fuck! When really as soft as a care bear, I’ve heard from the bus industry they like to pretend they’re unicorn’s on a weekend and like running round their living rooms naked! They have a friend called “monotone Eddie” who comes round to play with their unicorns and do a-bit of the good old rimming while playing with their unicorns 😂 whatever that means!!

This is also known as a three-way between three best friends as they like to call it! Stay away from these two individuals - they’ll do nothing but steal and speak to you like shit!

They’ll ask you to be your friend and get your number but on the other hand they’ll sign you up to everything known to man… they like wasting NHS money & resources to have a laugh!

Ste Hill also owns a BMW - so we all know he has a membership to the no indicators wankers club. Can be found in most McDonald’s drive-thru getting his Big Mac Wanker in Heywood.

Ste Hill liked it when Dave Parky sent him a card through the post and claiming it was somebody else - I don’t think his other half liked a fat gay man on the card.

Ste Hill also now likes to drive big black lorries about round the country picking up lady friends off the side of the road for a £10 sucky sucky while his nurse wife is helping through the covid pandemic.
Hey Ste hill part 2 did you like your card pal?
by Dave_parky December 2, 2021
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the act in which a disgusting male or female inserts one finger, then two, and then a whole fist into the vaginal canal giving the woman a weird pleasure in her sleep because she was so drunk she didn't know what was occurring.
I can't walk today, I think someone gave me a 1, 2, 5 last night!
by American fisting association November 30, 2018
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Us Vr players are always playing the newer games like the new boneworks game
“Hey what’s that”
Me: Oh this. This is a Vr Headset called an oculus quest 2. you put it over your head
What does it do
Me: Well you can play games on here
“How much are they”
Me: $400
“Wow they are expensive”
Me: Yeah they are
by Hellomynameisbob October 5, 2022
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