Kit, is a typically androgynous or masculine name. They are a very creative person who is quiet about their sexuality. Kit is a very loyal and kind person who tends to have friends come to them. Kit Conner and Wispexe are popular people named Kit.
Kit uses they/them and xe/xem pronouns, xe is so sweet with a heart of gold
by Talonwolf2 July 7, 2022
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When someone uses a texturizer (like S-Curl) to loosen their hair texture to achieve silky, shiny, hair waves that look somewhat artificial.
Guy: “Aye bruh, look at dude’s waves! He spinning!

Guy 2: “Nah bruh, he most definitely got a kit!”
by Urban Skeezer December 30, 2020
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Can be a shortened form of Christopher, it can also just be a name, how do I know? BECAUSE IT'S MY NAME. And as far as I'm aware nobody else alive has it.
Person 1: Hey I met a person named Kit
Person 2: That's rare
by Some Idiot Artist March 17, 2022
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Kit is so sexy he likes to walk... nice
Wow, he likes to walk! he must be a Kit!
by Monke 5 April 16, 2022
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Person A: OMG did you see Kit today
Person B: Yes they are so hot I want to have sex with them
by Pineapplelumps123 November 22, 2021
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Yo homegirls went all nine yards had hook ole dude up with the Pringicey kit
by Titus dyfilid February 14, 2019
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