When a man is jealous of another male's well-endowment.
"Dan's so big, he gives all the guys in the locker room south envy."
by Pringl3z October 24, 2011
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Hitting on a female whom you’ll never ever have sexual relations with.
Hitting on the bosses wife is a clear case of taint envy.
by Jews1440 April 22, 2020
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When your rivals party is better than yours.
Who need a 70'' TV when you have quince
You just got some mad host envy
by Samir Renzo Solis April 3, 2016
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owner for elite network also a litte shit
ace envy is a shit
by max giovanni November 22, 2020
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Youtubers or fans are jealous and envious of other youtube channels, content, and stats.
Kylie Jenner looks at everyone's makeup channels on Youtube. She always gets tube envy.
by Sweet As Gold January 14, 2018
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Noun. A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else accumulating a multitude of 'lols' for a comment made by another person.
"she felt a twinge of lol envy every time that joke got a lol from another person. She felt that her joke deserved at least as many lols "
by Shaman Allen May 18, 2015
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A popular stunt scooter brand. Most famous for the reaper/union bars
He's so cool, he has blunt envy reaper bars!
by Scooter_kid July 1, 2017
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