the ever-unfortunate Premature ejaculation
"Dude, how did it go with that chick from Physiology 1 last night??"
"Not so good - we got back to my dorm and were just pashing when i dropped my yoghurt."
"Dude... weak."

"What's that stain on your trousers?"
"Dropped Yoghurt"
by ewanio August 13, 2007
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I was on my way into the peep-show booth, when I slipped over and landed face-first in a pool of cock-yoghurt.

They really ought to have a cleaner in there between occupants.
by Tommo February 24, 2004
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Sperm. Semen is an organic fluid that usually contains spermatozoa.
Guy 1: Did you see Jon shoot a big load of man yoghurt on Cindy's face?!
Guy 2: Man, Cindy was so surprised!
by Entropia March 6, 2007
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1,2,3 Yoghurt is a definition of Premature Ejaculation which effects one in 3 men, Altho commonly thought to be highly embarasing 1,2,3 Yoghurt has bought a sense of comedy to the failure to pleasure the woman for the required time.
Dave - "I saw you leave with that girl last night..Talk"

Dan - "Yes mate, she was fit as"

Dave - "You Drain it?"

Dan - "Ofc mate, not 4 long tho, proper 1,2,3 yoghurt "

Dave - "Another notch tho ay?"
by Oh Gav! April 27, 2009
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A homosexual - called a yoghurt slinger because of the slinging of cum onto their parters back.
Faggy Fred is a yoghurt slinger!
by www-mudgie-dot-org March 7, 2004
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