A term commonly used by gamer gurls to express their emotions to a gamer boy
Gamer gurl: UwU RaWr XD

Gamer boy: wow I didn't know you felt that way
by Jackaplier69 January 10, 2019
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a term a british emo fuckboy uses basically "Rawr xD"
Boy: I have sex ed class next period.
Annoying Person: Rawr xD
Boy: Oh my god kys
by BlooPersonnn December 8, 2017
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Someone who enjoys the emo / goth aesthetic
You know Jocelyn?
Yeah, why?
She's a total rawr XD bitch
I could tell
by Ruckas October 7, 2021
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1. What edgy teens say.
2. Pure cringe.
3. Just don't say it.
Person 1: Rawr xd *nuzzles chu*
Person 2: Rawwwrrr nuzzies!!! uwu
by Neko Nya~ October 28, 2017
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A Faggot who calls his friends by names that aren't theirs.
Justin "Hey Shithead"
Jordan "Wow Justin you just {Justin RAWR XD}'d me"
by Justin The OG Edgelord #1 PUBG November 2, 2017
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A term used by an emo horse girl used to hit on other emo boys
*horse girl trots up* I’ll take you for a ride Rawr XD
by YannyLuarel May 18, 2020
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