A form of pitting that psychobilly kids do at shoes. It involved punching each other with the forearms, which is usually followed with a slap on the back or a sign of respect.
Hey, will someone tell Bear to stop wrecking!
by Crazy Haley Demons November 13, 2003
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What happens when you have 4 liquid cocaines,3 "3hicks and a spic," 2 double shots of Grand Marnier on top of a six pack and drive your car and hit a damn stop sign and get a DUI and have to goto ASAP classes.
by Bushwick August 25, 2003
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To Go Crazy Go Stupid Or To Be Excited In Someones actions
Friend: I’m About to Get Some Dick
Me: Ahhhhhh wreck itttttttttttt
by RealHotGirlShit June 18, 2019
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If a person is particularly ugly or have a munted face, they are said to be wrecked.
Whoa, nigger, did u see that girls face, it was totally wrecked.
by Darky October 30, 2004
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1. Large Breast region of a women.
2. sex
3. to have sex
4. to grasp, hold tight.
5. inquire, ask about
6. a hot women.
7. think about, dream about
Do you think i should wreck that wreck about maybe wrecking about wrecking wreck while wrecking her wrecks?
by The Definitioner August 29, 2003
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