Cutting your penis in half with a katana and then using the two halves to have sex two small pigeons.
by homoerectus99 October 13, 2008
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To solve two problems with a single action. The phrase was created to be a less violent version of "kill two birds with one stone."
I needed to run some errands but I also wanted to catch up with Melissa. I decided to feed two dogs with one bone and I asked Melissa to come with me.
by EJ M January 24, 2011
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To waste vast amounts of time and effort on multiple ways of trying to accomplish something you'll never be able to pull off.
Doug: Dude, Mike thinks he can totally get this chick in bed but I doubt she'd even hold his hand.
Trevor: Yeah, I heard she turned him down when he asked her out on a date, and when he slipped roofies into her drink at the party last night she never picked it back up anyway.
Doug: Talk about killing two stones with one bird.
by Implying713 June 24, 2011
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a variation of "hit two birds with one stone"
Everyone know what "hit two birds with one stone" means
by Blondie July 16, 2004
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To have sex with two women at the same time, and climaxing on their faces. Bird being another term for women, and stone relating to a man's testicles; more importantly the ejaculation.
by Max Well House April 6, 2010
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to say deuces (goodbye) to someone and then flick then off (fuck you). Usually used when someone pisses you off or you don't want to talk to them anymore. (Yes it means you put two fingers up and then leave the middle one up.)
"why are you acting like a little bitch...that's why no one can stand you!"

"Man, two fingers up, one down"
by U.s.A. August 27, 2009
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Firing one bullet and killing two people with it.
The criminal's aim was so good that he killed two birds with one stone.
by Longview March 16, 2005
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