A refernce to someone or something that is acting in a ridiculous manner.
You're being a ridiculous.
by Philip Murillo December 3, 2003
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Alex Gardner is incredibly ridiculous!
Ridiculoso even!
Alex is so ridiculous I want to throw up all over the place, right now.
by Jimberley Kim May 3, 2005
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(Not related to the verb to diculous): adjective meaning, a) to be open or exposed to public ridicule and constructive criticism because you deserve it
If you commit a ridiculous action don't be surprised if you're publicly ridiculed and shamed or if someone offers you constructive criticism.
by Sexydimma May 5, 2022
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A pot-pipe with so many parts strung together that it classifies as a Rube Goldberg machine.

A ridiculous must be at least 12" (30cm) from the bowl to the mouthpiece.
Jon spent ten minutes assembling the ridiculous before we could smoke.
by Zak Zennii July 20, 2005
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A word that describes a ridiculously high amount of ridiculousness in a ridiculous situation. Can only be used at the most ridiculous times. It's ridiculous!
I've learned to respect and love his ridiculismnesss in all its glory.
by holyhellwhatsthatsmell?. December 31, 2009
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to be of, or to pertain to a red-head
that red-head is ridiculous <3
by pseudonym1618 November 4, 2010
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