that ghetto-ass chick had some huge ass boobs!!!!tats!!!!
by brojones August 12, 2003
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Aussie slang for crashing and/or falling off something accidentally or falling down. Usually when operating a vehicle.
Jack: What happened to your rear end?
Andy: Mate, I was riding down to Maccas in only me Speedos when I slipped off the back of me seat and me nads got wedged between the back wheel and frame of me pushy! I then stacked it into a rose bush and I couldn't move - me nads were stuck!
Jack: You'd be spewin!
Andy: Fucken oath!
Jack: So how'd you get free?
Andy: Well, the Ambo got there about 20 minutes later and after cutting away what was left of me Speedos, which was fuck all, they tried for about an hour to get me sack out.
Jack: Were you spewin?!
Andy: Shit yeah! Big time! They were gonna use a crowbar to...
Jack: Fuck me! A crowbar!
Andy: Fuck yeah, I know! When the granny - whose rose bush I fubared - chucked the ambos some Vas and said "That'll do the trick, fellas". That got me tackle out in bugger all time. No dramas.
Jack: Sweet. How's ur nads now?
Andy: Sweet as, mate.
Jack: Sweet.
Andy: Sweet.
Jack: No wukkas.
by goochi October 5, 2007
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A synonym for cool and awesome/epic.

A word for godly occurrences.
Yo kev, that musical was super stack dog.

Yea i know, so stack, home slice.
by The stack bro February 12, 2020
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a woman who is top heavy in one way or another; or even bottom heavy if you want to consider that stacked.
amanda is very stacked up top,and it drives me nuts
by smothpoker December 1, 2008
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A section of the library that is rarely used, such as the history section, that is an ideal location for sex.
My boyfriend and I went to the library to study for our history exam but we had sex in the stacks instead
by angela scott February 13, 2009
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The act of multiple people taking a dump in the same toilet, one after the other, without flushing in the hopes of achieving ultimate cloggage.
Wanna do some stacking in the 3rd floor stall? Last time the janitor had to clean it out with a garden trowel.
by brs677 December 3, 2010
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