A term of endearment towards something/someone small, young, or cute. Or maybe all the above.
Person A: I love Harris he’s so squidge (>_<)
Person B: What the fuck are you on about bruv
Person A: I want to squidge him like slime ★彡
by tescoboy720 ಠ_ಠ July 23, 2023
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A super gay piece of fleshy, soft, acne-covered meat. They often fantasize about doing the gomorrah with Jeff Goldblum or the adele with steve buscemi. Synonym: oliver.
"Hey, squidge, wake up. OLIVER, you have school band practice now."
*whispers in sleep* "Steve Buscemi..."
by Bitch boy.com July 27, 2018
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To put a dip (tobacco) in your lip
I put a squidge of wintergreen dip in my lip.
by BigNTasty75 September 30, 2009
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A bizarre sexual act performed specifically upon a member of the cast of Neighbours or Emmerdale
Jules said he'd love to sidle up to her and squidge
by Pyker Grove March 19, 2016
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A portmanteau of squeeze and smidge referring to a small portion of hand-sanitizer commonly dispersed into the palm.
Yo bro can I get a squidge of that hand sanny? Not tryna catch the ‘rona.
by FlamingoJoe August 21, 2020
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When men squeeze their penis when needing the toilet desperately.
Hurry up in their Linda, I’m needing to squidge the widge out here”
by Pesh March 3, 2021
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