Girls can only wear if: they are scene,or ghetto

Guys can only wear if:they are scene

if your a guy you honestly shouldnt wear shutter shades they will make you look gay,and if your a goth or skater boy your friends WILL make fun of you
shutter shades
by CrunkGirl101 July 2, 2009
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Well, basically, this is a verb. Sometimes it can be used as an insult, though it doesn't make any sense, it's just fun to say.. especially when no one knows what it means. Shutter-face pretty much means when a guy puts his penis in a girl's mouth, and she sucks. Or, as my friend likes to say it's 'masturbating with the mouth'.

This word combination originated not long ago when I was talking about a girl at the gas station to a friend, wanting her to 'shut her face'. My friend thought I had said 'shutter-face', which.. wasn't a word, so she made up a long story for me.. pretending it was a real word. The End.
Dude: "I got shutter-faced last night.."
Dude 2: "Yeah right!"
Dude: "I'm dead serious.."

Chick: "God that guy is such a shutter-face.."
Chick 2: "That doesn't really make any sense.."

Chick: "Shut your face!"
Dude: "What? You're gonna shutter-face me?"
by DanceToTheCadence December 23, 2008
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is the defenition of the lips on the vagina can vary in colors if healthy, if colord dark brown or purple or black they are considered purple shutters
by DR. HOUZE February 12, 2008
when you have a major wedgie/camel-toe and
you need someone to stand in front
of you so that you can pick it.
-(in your mind) "crap i have a wedgie"
-(out loud)BLACK SHUTTER
(friend comes running in to stand in front of you
by cfk November 2, 2007
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Abnormally oversized hairy hang downs that flutter when windows are open
I opend the window in my bedroom and i could hear her meat shutters rumbling
by pallet187 March 23, 2010
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A girl who is generally attractive,who may or may not have a boyfriend and that you haven’t actually talked to in years bc she’s a bitch. But ever since you bought a DSLR camera she’s in your DMs quicker than a pig on mud or a fly on shit.

Could also be the girl who you regularly talk to, but upon finding out that you now own a camera, she makes plans to hangout and last minute says “oh and are you bringing your camera?!”

Could also be the person you literally haven’t talked to in 3+ years being all sweet and nice asking how you’ve been and how the family is then slides in with the “well I wanted to ask if you could take some photos for me and my fiancé?” Obviously expecting that life long “friendship” to get them some free photos.
she’s just a shutter snake, She only wants you for your camera.
by ArtisticAvenues96 April 4, 2018
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