Toilettiquette...When visiting the restroom out on a date, or at a dinner party, you take a lightning fast crap to fool your date or fellow diners into thinking you only needed a piss by being in the can for such a short time.

a very hurried poop taken so as not to keep guests waiting
I really needed to take a shit but my date had arrived, so I told her I was just 'nipping to the bathroom to freshen up' and took a quick 'shit in a piss time', so as not to keep her waiting
by mr Cunninglinguist October 27, 2012
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The words you aren't allowed to say on TV because they are always swears as compiled my George Carlin.
"Gee Grandma, I'd have to say that those guys in Blink 182 ripped off Carlin when they recorded shit piss fuck cunt cock-sucker mother-fucker tits."
by anonymous July 11, 2004
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1) another way to describe my family

2) the lyrics to the blink 182 song, family reunion. it is repeated 4 times, then followed by: i fucked your mom

3) a really fun thing to say infront of an adult (try it)
by queers annonomous June 22, 2003
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An extremely annoying situation in which on attempts to urinate standing up but is unable to due to the inevitable urge to Shit and since this is impossible due to the current position of the urinator one reaches a P.S.S
Fred: Hey man what took ya so long in the piss pot?
Gary: Sorry dude got the case of (P.S.S) Piss Shit Stalemate..
Fred: oh...
by Germain Detrick August 6, 2010
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The infamous seven words that you can't say on television, according to George Carlin. This list, of course, is now outdated, as at least two of them are commonly heard everyday on almost every channel.
by MITB October 18, 2007
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