Cleaning the house by randomly meandering from task to task, letting what you see next direct what you clean next.
Friend #1: Dude, fantastic gathering last night, but Jesus, the place has been ghettoized!!
Friend #2: No worries- my roommate is clean freak and has already gone Roomba- he'll have it sorted in about an hour.
by Asclepius Minora August 8, 2015
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The sole person left working alone at the office building, often by choice, who runs around trying to keep on top of all tasks.
Q: Is Sharon still not working from home?
A: No, she's totally the office roomba.
by MegaHuge June 25, 2021
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When a lesbian sticks a feather duster up her bum while eating pussy.

See 3rd definition for roomba
Damn, Jenny's new girlfriend gave her a dusty roomba on their first date.
by Desi Dukes July 9, 2017
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a dumb ass bitch who sucks up all the fun.
person 1: you're ugly
person 2: no i'm not *cries in spanish*
person 1: shut the front door up, you're such a roomba
person 2: there is no door. anyways, you can't shut a door up
by hairyella June 1, 2020
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Dungeon roombas is a term for D&D "Gelatinous Cubes" - Experts at cleaning dungeons, leaving nothing behind.
After being coined by "Ezekiel" in 2022 - several scenarios with dungeon roombas has been created.
Dungeon roombas clean dungeons, in fact - they clean them so well that even its denizens are sometimes... vanished!
by RamboMs March 2, 2023
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When you hold a girl upside down as she sucks another guys dick that's laying on the ground
Bobby: Steve had to go to the hospital cause I dropped Jenny while doing the upside down roomba
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He better be careful eating that pussy on the beach or he will give her a sandy roomba
by Dix E Normus March 9, 2018
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