A thing most black parents say when their kid is misbehaving either in public or at home
Mom: Go do the damn dishes its been 3 hours
Child: Why do i have to listen to you?!
Mom: Well I put you in this world and I can take you right outta it
by isa6elita August 25, 2022
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God "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?"

Hym "No. I won't. Because 'what is right' is being arbitrated by people who adhere to my ethic more closely than their own. You know what I think? I don't think Abel's offering was better at all. I think the sin you were talking about when you said 'But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.' was the temptation to kill Abel. It was test. You and I both know that farming is more difficult than sitting on your ass while your sheep fuck each other. And maybe this guy is Cain. I write a Hypertext that is instantiated into multiple cultured (immediately) without even trying. Suddenly, I'm all of these different characters. Songs are written. How would he take his revenge? Imitate God? Place the mark of Cain on my forehead that when I toil nothing will grow? 'DiD yOu EvEn TrY?' I didn't have to. I just sat and watch my sheep fuck."
by Hym Iam June 19, 2022
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The kid on the right of you in class, the types may vary, but the most common and run into one is a Brody. He usually plays solitaire and constantly makes retarded noises and screams at the computer, if you encounter this type, try to ignore him as much as possible or by saying "stop being a fucking retard brody"
Oh shit The Kid on the right of you is raging at solitaire again! Oh SHIT HE'S BEATING THE COMPUTER MONITOR AGAIN.
by IneedMoreStickersForMyHydro August 26, 2019
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Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push
Oh thats right you cant even produce come to because you have a push
by SwwSSWswWWswS April 9, 2023
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