A complete asshole/bitch. Very similiar to the word Dick wad.
Everyone can be a quag nut at times.
by Queen Fan April 30, 2006
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The feeling of boredom and sadness when stuck in quarantine from Corona. Slang for Quarantine Quagmire.
My friend: UGh I’m so bored.
Me: Yeah, I’m really feeling that Quaran-Quag.
by Qwacky March 20, 2020
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a person who has a parent who is a homosexual
Your father's a queer, youra quag!
by Ronny Thompson April 5, 2006
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Rag or bandana tweekers carry around to wipe their quag. (The lighter leaves a black residue on the outside of the glass pipe so tweekers wipe the residue off with a rag or a "quag rag")
Man 1:Look, that guy over there is a tweeker
Man 2:How do you know?
Man 1:I see his quag rag hanging out his back pocket
by bobles December 31, 2008
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The act of checking out a girl (or guy) and having a sudden vocal reaction (a la Quagmire from Family Guy). Typically the vocal response is something along the lines of, " Oh my god!" or "Holy Sh*&", and may be followed by such creepy actions as stalking or taking a photograph without the consent of the "quagee".
Friend 1: Dude! That girl is wearing nothing but lingerie (bites index finger).
Friend 2: Careful, you're about to quag out all over the floor.
by chicosucio96 August 10, 2011
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A males testical, or “balls”.
Hey dude I just got kicked in the quags.”
by The Ball Fondler October 23, 2017
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An insult term directed towards someone that most commonly doesn't follow the same initiative as others; Insult used when someone doesn't go along with something.
Mike: "Yo, let's play one more match"

Andrew: "Nah man I got school tomorrow"

*Rest of Group*: "Ahh come on don't be such a Quag!"
by KK2420KK June 21, 2021
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