"Pussy Goatee" or "Prison Goatee" - A goatee trimmed to neatly and completely frame the mouth. Popular in prisons - when two cons are engaged in some hot face sex, it gives the visual effect of a woman's vagina and pubic hair.
Bill's furry black PG made him quite popular in the state prison.
by Veronica D November 30, 2005
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1) pooping gas- to let out a loud tantalizing fart, but not only air escapes .... Mr. Hanky comes a flying out like superman.
"Man I was eating some bacon bean burrito and I pg'd in the panties I borrowed from uncle lou!"
by Sweet Caroline October 26, 2003
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PGS stands for Perfect girl syndrome.
It is when you find a great girl but then your PGS kicks in and you find a flaw just so you cant be with them.
The flaw could be as little as her laugh makes her right shoulder twitch way too much.
Ricky and Mary were going to date but Ricky's PGS kicked in and he thought her attitude towards garbage cans was different.
by Tosh. O biggest fan April 2, 2010
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A frog descendent and is always with a guy called sai
by Frog Forever February 25, 2020
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Pre-Gig Shit.
Basically, before a performance of some kind - music, drama, dance, martial arts, whatever - You go have a shit. Why? to get rid of excess weight and so you don't shit yourself on stage pretty much.
A PGS is considered a social event and many PGS-ers can go together to engage in humerous banter and to describe the size, shape and consistancy of the shit. You have to be pretty open and easygoing to be a true PGS-er.
"Who's coming for a PGS?"
*most of the cast troop off to the bogs*
"omg i think i split myself!"
"blood! why is there blood?!"
"oooh, thats a sloppy one, tonights gunna be a good show :D"
by sethkasketch October 19, 2009
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The following movie is rated PG: for Blah!
by DaZombie October 27, 2003
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