To pull your dick/penis out of a women or man before you cum. It can be used as a form of birth control but it can be hard (see what I did there) as the man just wants to cum in the women
Brittany: uh uh uh uh uh
Chad: you like that you dirty girl
Brittany: uh uh uh daddy do you have a condom on?
Chad: uh uh uh no baby your pussy is so good!
Brittany: we have to use pull out then
Chad: ok
Brittany:yes daddy so good fuck me uh uh uh
Chad:I’m gonna cum
Chad: I can’t it’s stuck

Brittany:well fuck I guess we are going to be parents
by December 12, 2020
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The best way to not have an unwanted kid
Girl:pull out,pull out
Guy:pulling out but is too late
Girl:did you make it
by Da5.9chummins October 16, 2019
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A pull out is someone who purchases alcohol for underage drinkers.
Hey man are you 21? Can you pull out for us? Dude her bf is a cool pull out. He got us the drinks we needed.
by SpartanOmega117 July 6, 2017
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The action when, during intercourse, the male takes out his penis of the woman before ejaculation, this is used as a form of birth control.
The pull-out game can also be described as weak or strong depending on how good the male is at pulling out at the right time
"Have you been gettin' any lately?" "Yeah, my pull-out game strong though, I don't want no damned children."
by TheMagicalNoodle January 7, 2018
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One who has an outstanding ability to remove their penis before ejaculating inside of someone.
Person 1: Did you get her pregnant?

Person 2: Nah man, I'm the pull out king
by Soviet Potato December 16, 2016
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The act of a man masturbating right up to the point of orgasm, but then thrusting his penis inside a woman's vagina for the ejaculation. The act contains all of the drawbacks of sex with none of the pleasure.
"I don't know what the hell I was thinking, but after 20 beers I actually did the reverse pull-out."
by Roupen November 9, 2005
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1. After anal intercourse having a piece of fecal material stuck to your penis.

2. After vaginal intercourse having a clot of blood on your penis, presumably from the woman having recently had or is still on her period.

Etymology: Nursery Rhyme Little Jack Horner
Tom: Fuck my ass.
Kevin: OK.
(after just finishing)
Kevin: You dirty fuck Tom, you made me pull out a plum. Now I have to go wash your shit off of my dick.
Tom: Occupational hazard, you faggot.
by Skateboy66 May 11, 2009
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