One of the coolest guys, is extremely good at taekwondo and gaming. Basically a gigachad.
Gleb Gaming: Let's go beat the shit out of dream stans in minecraft
Oliver: Sure, why not?
by Totally_not_gleb November 23, 2021
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Someone who makes olives for a living.
The oliver made some green olives after I paid him off.
by Brett & Butter March 9, 2020
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Is the most sexiest guy in the whole world. He is so talented and good at singing. He also a loving guy and no girl can resist him.
I wish i had an Oliver
by someoneelse12345678910 August 22, 2017
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Has a massive cock. Everyone wants to be his friend. All girls love him. He has a big dick and a good car. Oh and did I mention that he has a gigantic penis.
P1: ,,Did you see Oliver's dick?''
P2: ,,Yes his cock is massive''
by Not Oliver February 21, 2021
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A kind guy ,and asweetheart . He wouldn't hurt anyone emotionally or physically . He is a pure heart and trust worthy
"Oliver your the most gentle guys I've seen"
by Oliverooo September 26, 2017
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Oliver, otherwise known as Norway Guy or NG is an extremely funny guy and comedian. He is a naturally born and gifted clown that makes everyone laugh. He also likes to inappropriately touch women. NG also is really good at cool games such as CS-GO and Fortnite. NG is. self-proclaimed e-girl getter, and is simply really cool. NG is comparable to GEO as he is also extremely cool. When NG walks in the hallways people walk the other way because they are threatened by his funny-ness.
"Woah its NG hes so cooolll!!!!!"
"Wow bro you're so funny like Norway Guy"
by noamsies June 16, 2021
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