How your stomach feels after you eat olives, followed by some chocolate covered raisins, after which you consume three martinis, then eat a cheeseburger and garlic fries.
Used in a sentence: "John felt a little disco after the party, but he managed not to throw up."
by salamicat May 11, 2011
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Disco is a person you will always stay by, their presence just has to make you smile because of how amazing they are , they may be sensitive and emotional but will stay by you no matter what, if you meet a Disco in your life, keep them, trust me it’ll be worth the smiles
person 1: omg that person is such a sweetheart

Person 2: well yeah that’s Disco!
by Pride_weeb October 18, 2020
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A psuedo way to text your friend regarding cocaine. Like calling weed the "green." Good word to use if you're on your work phone or otherwise paranoid of having the Patriot Act work against you.
"Hey, do you think you can get me some disco for Halloween?"
by hlsulliv October 27, 2008
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Used in a phrase "on the disco".
Meaning a crazy person.

Someone loosing their mind.

A wierdo
"that broad is seriously on the disco"
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 25, 2004
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short for "discography"

blogger slang for the entire collection of released EP's by any musical artist (typically downloaded for free)
"have you ever heard of Frank Zappa? I havn't, but I just got his disco, i'll check it out later..."
by Jevir July 11, 2008
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an abbreviation of dicography
click here for disco.
by warble December 11, 2003
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Three or more police cars with their sirens on going past (happens a lot in Hackney, London.)
Mate, check the Hackney Disco. Somebody must of got murked.
by Dalstonian July 12, 2010
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