A boy who chooses a girls name for his name. GAY. a banana. rather impatient. Makes funny faces. good to be around. Good singer.
Person 1: look at that person over there in the banana suit.
Person 2: must be a Nat.
by chariliybanana March 28, 2010
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A NAT is one of the worst things you could call someone. Try to imagine being called a bot, or a clown. Combine them and times it by 100. If someone calls you a NAT, you've just been roasted to the core. There are different types of NATs, some are like fruit loops and others just prefer to keep both their feet in their mouth. At the end of the day, all NATs will go home to mommy for a pudding. In not-so-rare of cases, you will discover a NAT that brings a new 'low' to the human species. Every NAT you come across will leave you in shock of how ugly they are, some will look like their face was stung a million times by killer wasps and others will just look like the slime you would find in a forgotten pipe in an abandoned sewer drain. Don't even get me started on their below elementary school education, and so far if you've disagreed with anything I have said... you're just a flaming cheerio. Most NATs come from India but they can be found anywhere in the world. If you ever find yourself cringing inexplicably then you may unbeknownst in the area of a fuckin NAT.
Ben: Wow look at how deformed that guy's skull is! His daddy must've pushed his thumb too hard into his soft skull as an infant.

Me: Wow that looks like a NAT defintely. Imagine being his mother and seeing what a filth came out of her cunt

Ben: LOL you are so right. What a fuckin NAT

Me: Fuck away from me you fucking NAT
by Acitech February 6, 2020
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Nat, the cute fun kinda person people admire , she has a kind golden heart and doesn't hesitate to give her opinion. You can count on her to listen to you and keep your secret a secret. She doesn't realise how much people admire her for her beauty, kindness and how clever she is.
A person named Nat is always hot
by Punzii May 6, 2021
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A ninja with balls the size of watermelons
Daym, have you seen the size of his balls he must be a nat.
by EpicPandaCrack January 27, 2014
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