Absolute fucking badass
The embodiment of Mr Steal Your Girl
Has Big Dick
His mere presence makes women wet
1: bro watch your girl, Mohammeds around
2: OK thanks bro
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A bitch ass nigga that is anorexic and has crooked teeth .
Mohammed is gay
by has is a hoe November 8, 2018
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Mohamed is a simp for Black Widow and will freak out over any Marvel Movie
Mohamed stop simping over the stupid Marvel women!
by IKNOW MOHAMED March 26, 2021
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Mohamed is a very useless cow he is always annoying little brat especially the young ones
Why is Mohamed still talking me?
by wayzz3457 April 3, 2022
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He is typically 5”0 and really gay he is usually a Minnesota native and has a best friend named rania Ali. He cock is from 2-4 centimeters and he will get pussy pics from thirsty dugsi academy fobs
Mohamed gimme your phone you short bitch
by Konan16 December 11, 2019
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Mohamed is the most ripped gym nigga you will meet. He hates faggots gay people and most importantly niggas. Don't be a clapped cunt or Mohamed will stick his shaft deep inside of you :D
"Dude Mohamed just raped that nigga for being black"
"Mohamed the kinda guy to turn a black chick white"
"Go to the gym clapped nigga, Mohamed said as he blushed and trusted deeper into Jack the shigma male of the group"
by Xub February 6, 2022
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Mohamed is a ripped nigga, he hates faggots and doesn't like fat cunts. He wants you to go to the gym every day.
"No way Mohamed just raped that nigga for being black"
"Mohamed is the godliest gigachad in existence"
by Xub February 6, 2022
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