"Misinformation" (2022's new Orwellian Doublespeak)
- Information which is banned from publication because it makes people question the official narrative.
- Information that questions the validity of the official propaganda of the day from centralized government, like the CDC.
- Information that makes the opposing party look good.
Lucky for them, the book "1984" is banned from schools for years under Obamas Common Core changes and the kids do not know that they are being played by the Big Brother of centralized and overly powerful government. DHS is now Big Brother for real thanks to Biden and his MisInformation Board.
by SaltyFishyFun May 2, 2022
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What I spread
I have spread dangerous amounts of misinformation.
by ThatPitDroid May 26, 2022
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What you say to someone when they say something buffoonishly idiotic or something silly
Facebook controlling misinformation? Yes ! Facebook thinking or actually controlling any misinformation is like me saying Stalin is alive. Facebook does not and can't, nor should it, control any misinformation.
by Sexydimma February 3, 2022
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Misinformation online spread by boomers who come from an era where if the information is in the form typed text, they consider it true. This misinformation is often shared in the form of a grainy facebook picture.
Oh no, grandma is sharing boomer misinformation online again. Someone take her phone away
by holy guacomole November 17, 2022
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