sumthing zune will often say when she is spaztic, crazy, or feeling particularly dumb.
Gurl 1: YO Zune! wt's up?
Zune: Im feeling so lala!!
Gurl 1: What...?
Zune: wakakaka im sorry i jux feel lala
by Zune May 6, 2005
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Lala is a woman usually 13 or 14 who has a square shapped head. She isn't like by most people and her few friends are either named Keiko or Julia. She is really mean and lacks the qualities of being pretty and personal hygiene.
Did you see Lala? She's so square
by SQUARES ARE UGLY December 31, 2011
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A person from LA visiting any other place but LA. See gaper.
All the Lalas are up this weekend with their hummers and ugg boots
by grrrrr May 17, 2005
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The dumbest bitch you will ever meet. Faking things to gain popularity and is stupid as fuck
Lala is a bitch
by Kkelligirl October 1, 2019
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A word used by stupid untallented bitches who ride to fame on the coat tails of their more famous siblings. It could also be used to define lipsynching.
by Starwind236 January 16, 2006
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to chat or talk with a person you know or dont know.
1. Hey! Who wants to lala with me?
2. Lets Lala.:
by babydedz May 14, 2008
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