A term for a feature or product which was only implemented because it could be.

From the quote 'your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should'
Manager come to you and says implement this feature just because we can. - Jurassic Park
by dsn February 17, 2012
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Title used in the Boris Johnson "Deano Valley" Parody/joke "Jurassic Park" where the joke illustrates how long Boris will remain in power despite all the fuck ups.
How long is he gonna stay in power - 2 years maybe 6. Welcome to Jurassic Kunt
by poopoo7766 June 28, 2022
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an emission of wind so awful it would bring tears to the eyes of a dinosaur
cor, bloody hell what a Jurassic Parp! ugghh
by Uncle MacTipps September 30, 2010
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A senior aged to post-cougar MILF in remarkably good shape and figure, most often observed at higher-end grocery stores. Jurassic MILFs are usually only spotted by men post-40 years of age as the lowest age bracket. Particularly fine specimens with glorious plumage can attract the attention of adult males as young as 15 years of age. Jurassic MILFs have become far more prevalent with later aged divorce rates and improved brassiere technology while younger females average heavier mass.

Jurassic MILFs should not be confused with "backside hit and runs" where a viewer's initial evaluation of garmented backside approval meets a leathered front side. Some Jurassic MILFs are such an enigma that another shopping cart drive-by is needed to fully absorb the situation. Jurassic MILF's are a more proud, stable, and submissive creature that lack the attention deficit of the Cougar. For this reason, idle attempts at conversation are low risk without mental Seppuku.
Yeah, Casi's on the corner....great fish. Try it, its the autobaun of MILF to Jurassic MILF.
by contributer_to_pop March 7, 2014
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a dinosaur theme park where idiotic people think it's fun to create the end of the f***ing world.
(indomonus rex)
by far one of the greatest movie series of all time.
boy 1-hey, you wan't to go to jurassic world?
boy 2-*slaps him and walks away*.
by tyranospider March 3, 2022
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A traditional ways to celebrate Thanksgiving Month. This tradition dictates that one consume a turkey leg every day of the month of November until thanksgiving day itself. On Thanksgiving day one should consume all parts of the turkey. Sages differ on whether a turkey leg/day must be consumed from Black Friday until the end of November.
A: “hey bro, you doinNo-Nut November this year?”
B: “Nah man I’m just gonna do the Jurassic Jamestown
by SimchaChern November 10, 2021
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