Hellenic Hip Disorder or HHD is a disorder that all Greek women are born with. They have big hips that sway nicely.
Guy #1: "Hey dude look it's that Greek girl from class"
Guy #2: "How do you know she's Greek?"
Guy #1: "Dude look at those hips, she clearly has Hellenic Hip Disorder"
by Onid February 29, 2012
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My room mate was sleep walking last night so i drop kicked that Hellen Kellar looking mother fucker and he fell dome piece first to the floor and tried reading the floor with his hands like The Hellen Kellar would if she was drunk.
by Jesse O., Alex M. February 8, 2008
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The only person on a team in a co-op game that doesn't have a microphone.
Anthony B. : Why does Ashley not come help me? I'm being hunted!

Justin Y. : She is busy typing what she is gonna do, that's why.

Anthony B. : Why does she have to be the Hellen Keller 64 of our group?! We're getting murdered!
by HAWP August 23, 2011
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The act of taking a shit on your significant others eyes and ears
Hey dude I met this chick at the bar the other night and she told me to give her a dirty Hellen Keller, and all I know is that it turned into a really shitty situation...
by TheMartini88 August 17, 2015
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Being at the point of intoxication, that you can no longer see, hear, or speak.
"Person 1: Let's get white girl wasted.
Person 2: Na, i think we should get Hellen Keller drunk."

"..:.: .:.:.. ::... :. ..: .:.:. " - Hellen Keller
by rememberthegoodtimes January 17, 2012
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When a girl's pussy is so tight that when you ejaculate inside her you make the same noises Hellen Keller does when she tries to speak
Remi: I heard you fuck Emma the other night
Joel: Yea that shit was crazy, she gave me a Hellen Keller Nut
Remi: I'll have to explore that cavern then!
by hahasuka December 8, 2020
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On such games as Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3, when all players turn thier screens off so that there is no visuals nor audio, so that it mimics how Hellen Keller would play.
Crusty Turbin: Hey want to do a Micheal Meyers match?

Bud the Unicorn: Screw that, lets do a Hellen Keller match!

by Bud C. Morgan October 5, 2008
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