fuck buddy. a casual-only sexual partner without any emotional attachment.
Joanne's my fubu. I call her whenever i need the fix, but most of the times it's her that's calling me to get it done.
by Tech April 12, 2005
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fubu or bufu, buy us, fuck you!
Fubu's stupid for us buy us that's crap. I'm going to make a T.V show called WET White Entertainment Television. That's what I'm talking about, and I'll bet they'll bitch like a motha fucker to even though they got one of there own. Oh and wheres white history month? That's bullshit I aint beat no black MoFo's so why do I got to suffer? All I got to say is FOOK OFF!!!!!
by Murda 1 October 10, 2005
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foo-boo1.Short for the term "fuck-buddy".
In alliance with the term "Friends with Benefits". 2. Any two outrageously horny persons whom have no feelings for one another, just strong attractions to the use of the other's genitalia for personal favors.
1.Chad and Tracy are total FUBU's, check them out!

2.Man I wish I had a FUBU!

3.Dude, you're FUBU is hottt!!!
by miemiemiemie August 1, 2011
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In Filipino:

Pare may bago akong FuBu,shit anlibog parang nympho.

In English:

Dude,I have a new FuBu,shit shes so horny like a nypho.
by The new high March 23, 2007
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He was FUBU from that 420.
by dagda825 December 18, 2008
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