some one that is egg shaped as is the character in the computer game dizzy
by gav n nick March 4, 2006
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kind buds - the buds that get you fuckin stoned, not just high
get a gram of dizzy for a dub
by justin the fucking mann July 14, 2003
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A rapper that is about realness and positive motivation that is coming out of the underground and becoming the legend he deserves to be. Bringing t If you see this Dizzy can you do a shout out to me in a song please? I would know just by you saying DOOM in a song.
-You aren't walking down the Wright road if you aren't listening to Dizzy Wright.
by xxxx DOOM xxxx October 17, 2013
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A man with several media devices to watch porn on sets a rotating office chair in the center. He turns on all screens to a different porn video, usually his favorite ones at the time. He starts to rotate his body with his feet and uses his free hand(s) to masturbate. Spinning like a top while jacking off creates sexual inertia, and the feeling of an erotic adrenaline rush. This kenotic event triggers many sensations In the bodies neurotransmitters such as arousal and nausea. Many who participate in this activity have one goal to achieve orgasm before throwing up. This race against time is known to its contestants as the dizzy fap challenge.
mike? Ya Mom? Why is there vomit and sperm all over the office? dizzy fap.
by Carter R July 4, 2018
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The Dizzy Gillespie is when a man is giving oral sex to a woman who farts. The rank fart rolls upward into his mouth distending his cheeks like he's blowing into a trumpet. Thus making him look like Dizzy Gillespie.
My best friend fell out when I told her my husband was pissed at me because after date night I was gassy and drunk and gave him The Dizzy Gillespie during his late night dessert.
by SCPEACH84 December 8, 2015
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The act if masturbating and then blowing one's load while spinning in circles as to utilize centripetal force, thus maximizing the projectile range of said load.
My roommate was out of town so I covered his room with spooge by doing a dizzy jizzy
by jeffwards617 December 10, 2009
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