The most amazing womanin the world. She is perfect in every way.
That green eyed, blonde hair beauty over there is my Delicate little flower. A.B.W
by Ashley's babydaddy. October 16, 2019
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A constantly praised athlete who is often injured on an annual basis.
Every year, Blake Griffin a delicate little flower because he misses a significant amount of games in the regular season and playoffs because he is hurt all the time. That is why the Clippers will never get out of the second round of an NBA playoffs.
by David Gaggon July 23, 2017
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The feeling you get after taking psychedelics. or to quote Juice WRLD's rich and blind "Sometimes when I'm high, I feel high in reverse" .
Bro 1:"Are you high"
Bro 2: "No I'm delic psycho"
by emiwaybantaianimehentai March 19, 2022
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An adjective used to describe a pleasant taste.
“This tastes delicant!”
by Tickletoe September 5, 2023
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Someone who 's face is the shape of a circle and who likes playing genshin impact all day
The area of a circle (enes delic) is πr2
by Proxvy November 22, 2022
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A sexual act whereby a handjob is administered whilst wearing a lubricated lambskin glove.
Sophia prided herself on her Delicate Steve prowess.
by G-Furbo July 13, 2022
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