handwriting or printing in which words are joinrd together
I wants to get some curvis wridden on my are
by dick tate March 19, 2003
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Fancy word for being fat but are pretty girls all the same. Nice tits that attract every guy at some point
Boy1: man look at that girl she looks just like a model boy2: yeah but I like the curvy chick next to her she's got the body man!!
by lovecurves February 18, 2015
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To let everyone know that is in a party or lobby of an online video game that you have to use the bathroom in a proper nice almost Southern way, and that you should hold off on entering a new game or match till the person returns.
Player one, "Nice game there player 2 you really dominated the hill."

Player two, "Thanks that was a lot of fun, I love the shottie!! Give me a minute I have to take a curvy. Be right back."

Player one, "Sure, no problem I have to get a beer anyway."
by selden007 May 3, 2008
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when someones bosom is extremely curvaceous
" oh my god it's curvy and dat"
by Hzsjde October 25, 2017
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Captain Curvy is the kind of person that has a small weirdly curved penis. Usually has very very white skin and has an obsession with fingering buttholes and in some cases has an obsession with cats.
Person1: wow, look at that fag over there.

Person2: I know right. I even heard he fingered someone's butthole in the back of a mini-van.

Person1: what a Captain Curvy.
by RussianBear December 10, 2013
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Has a nice body shaped like an hourglass. Not fat or not to skinny. Just perfect!
by E-girl696969 March 16, 2019
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A straight person who often compliments the same sex.
Nick is such a curvy hetero, he keeps complimenting other guys at the gym.
by soooooo_gayyyy April 22, 2017
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