1. A delicious British confectionary comprised of a finger shaped biscuit covered in milk chocolate

2. The surprising and often alarming sexual act whereby a lady of questionable morals inserts her digit(s) into a gentlemans anus as he nears orgasm in an effort to heighten the intensity
1. John: Fucking hell, Dave! Have you eaten all my Cadbury's fingers again, you greedy bastard?
Dave: Yeah, sorry, mate. I was stoned.

2. Lady1: I say, Lady Poncemby-Smythe, your Reginald looks awfully glum today.
Lady2: Yes, Ms. Hartley-Woodford. Not to worry, I shall cheer him up with a cup of Earl Grey tea and a Cadbury's Finger.
Lady1: Oh? I never knew he liked you to stick a finger up his arse as he shoots his load.
by Big L June 10, 2006
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A person, typically male, who is susceptible bouts of ego tripping and yet is unable to drink alcohol without wetting himself, pull a decent girl or dance normally. generally known to talk himself up then punch the porcelain after two pints.
"shit bitch, Jon-paul's such a cabury cunt, he had two drinks at rocket, attempted to hook up with the bartender over the bar, who is male, then proceeded to dance for fifteen minutes like a mong. then he flung chunks at some poor bird and piss himself. worst drinking partner everrr."

"fuuuuuck, your a cadbury cunt" *spoken to an individual whilst they vomit up the two beers they had drunk at the Westlakes shore tennis club*
by Bitchnipple October 4, 2009
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Ones anal passage - usually used when describing homosexual activities
Oi batty - get your pork sword out of his cadburys canal.
by Si-J September 8, 2006
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The sexual act whereby the male inserts his finger into the females anus then places fecal encrusted finger down the same females throat
Hey Rhiannon, I'm gonna give you a Cadburys Finger whilst you're sleeping tonight
by Dr Roomheads Quarters February 17, 2010
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A person who is known to frequently finger anus's
"aww man,he is such a Mr. Cadbury"
"Are you a Mr Cadbury?"
by Cheeseballer April 15, 2008
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Carlton form Fresh Prince of Belle Aire was a Cadbury Nigga.
by MaxP0wer July 17, 2006
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sexual term for a womans anus

see also bournville boulevard
“she let me stick it up cadburys corridor last night”

“do reckon she takes it up cadburys corridor?”
by uncle salty May 11, 2004
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