1. Scoreboard, as in you or your team kicked the crud out of an opponent.

2. Getting the best of someone in a flame war on the internet.
When your team is winning and an away fan is being obnoxious, just point to the Scoreboard and say... "BODE!".

When in a flame war, even if you are completely flailing, just claim "BODE!" and declare yourself winner.
by Miss Conduct June 22, 2006
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Guy: "He dude did you hear about that Bode DeLoach kid?"
Other Guy: " Bro who hasn't he is the goat."
by BDisthebestBD December 13, 2018
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To fail to perform under pressure, especially after intentionally generating lots of publicity and attention.
For all of his bragging before the date, he is going to pull a bode and totally strike out
by Natticus February 20, 2006
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to get drunk before something important like a test or sporting event, basically just like a total badass
I went to a party last night and decided to Bode Miller my final exams.
by a bat June 3, 2006
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To experience all possible endings in a given setting, especially in big ticket Olympic type sports events: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Disqualified (DNF/Did Not Finish).
Oh man, my career's been a Bode Slam: I've been interviewed, hired, promoted and fired.

Dude, that class was a Bode Slam: I got an A, B, C, D and F!
by Buckeye_SY February 24, 2010
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Coolest mother fucker you've ever met. He has a massive cock and gets all the bitches. He is a dank freestyler and a legend of his own
Bode the Chode is amazing.
by Yur Dad February 9, 2018
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Bode thompson is the best ever. He is single and looking for a relationship usually. Ladies love him and he is always a competition to get
Bode thompson is a ladies man
by Llooolalwle December 1, 2021
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