Because words are hard, pancakes is an expression of fondness, infatuation, and affection when no other expression seems to fit or is appropriate. It is something you can say to someone so that they will know, and you will know, even though neither of you really know. There is also an emoji for it, so that is nice.
Did you tell her how you feel?

No, I got tongue-tied and said, "I really like pancakes."
Well, did she get it?
Yeah, because she said she likes pancakes too, and then we totally nibbled.
by kinkybabysteps May 25, 2019
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Pancaking us when a female presses her breasts against a window making her breasts flatten and look like pancakes.
The gurl in the SUV was pancaking us as we drove past.
by Panaphobia April 22, 2021
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During sexual intercourse, the person on top does nothing to support their weight, hence "pancaking" out on their partner. Opposite of starfish. Usually done with dead eyes and zero effort.
"I was just so tired last night, I pancaked the shit out of him"

"That girl was such a pancake, never doing that again."
by AOII's In the Bathroom February 27, 2010
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Where you slap someone stomach with an open palm, and then proceed to yell PANCAKE! The object of this game is to pancake someone/anyone when they least expect it, and try not to get pancaked back. Once started, this game can go for several years, but not actually end.
*slap* PANCAKE!

SHIT! I got pancaked again!
by Lauzxx February 24, 2008
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A pancake is someone, either guy or girl, that you like or think is wicked fine. It serves as a flirty pet name that works everytime.
Amy:"hey whats up dylan?"
Dylan:"hey pancake"
Steve:"damn, amy is fine"
Dylan:"i know, but she's my pancake"
by steven marcus2 April 21, 2006
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An expression used for a woman who has large breasts.
That girl is a straight up pancake! She's stacked!
by Stads October 11, 2008
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In football, a type of block in which a player hits another player with enough force to knock him down, with the blocked player usually landing flat on his back.
The right guard totally pancaked that blitzing linebacker.
by apost8 November 22, 2003
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