Jessica is a nice, loving person that loves animals. Is beautiful, cute, tall and pretty. Usually friend with blonds just like the name patricia.
Hi Jessica, your pretty
by shvachadcvady February 10, 2015
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A kind soul which will help in any situation and is full on caring to everyone around her even people she does not know. She tries her best in what ever she does and is a smart kind lady which will take part in anything she does. If you find to have a Jessica in your life keep it because one day she will have your back not necessarily tomorrow but one day.
Thank you for always being there and you Jessica are the best.”

“That’s what friends are for Lucy.”
by PandaPrincess18 July 26, 2018
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A girl who is super friendly and outgoing.
Look at that girl over there??? She must be a Jessica!
by D Shok December 20, 2016
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A greek name which means "What god beholds"

Actual meaning: Very impish, pretty, complex, deadly.
"Man that jessica girl is pretty, but i cant read her."
by sticksstonesxx March 24, 2009
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Jessica is definantly not a girly-girl but when she is young she is like any other girl, she likes pink and plays with barbies. But when they are about 8 they dislike the color pink and like blue or green. She is shy in public, but when she's with family or friends she won't shut up. She is kind and soft to people she likes, but can be a bitch to people she doesnt like. She doesn't gets hurt easily. She can fight back and be a bit of a bitch. She is beautiful and falls in love easily and gets too attached but her heart can also be broken easily. She is definantly a daredevil and loves to have fun.
Woah Jessica you look insane
by Snazzyretwar34 November 25, 2018
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Jessica is a sweet girl and loves FORKNIFE she loves kids and likes getting in vans and she is so kind makes everyone smile even me she is so nice and likes searching up random names in the dictionary she so cool am I right
Jessica is so nice
by ITZnate16 November 11, 2018
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