a person who throws another person under the bus.
Jaehyun: he's the real bus thrower here
Jeno: is that what it's called?
Mark: apparently
by CatoBoi December 24, 2018
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It's like a flamethrower for pubes.
Check out my Pube Thrower
by xxFlintxx January 2, 2010
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A pin thrower is somebody of below average common sense. As seen in boot camp on the hand grenade range when the dumbest of grunts pull and throw the pin rather than throwing the grenade.
Carl rubbed Icy hot on his nuts again, what a pin thrower.

Jessica Simpson is a real life pin thrower.

This pin thrower just walked into the mirrored wall twice.

idiot window lickerretarddumbassrock chewercorkyjessica simpsonstupiddumbgeorge bush jrpoindextergooberfucktard
by Johnyisthedevil March 6, 2014
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Term I just coined for when a metal band bashes fascists. In reference to the band Bolt Thrower and one of their stories about a concert with Nazis in the audience trying to start fights and just bring down the mood. The assholes didn't listen to the band warning them to stop, so the vocalist picked up a baseball bat they had on hand and started swinging.
Woah, did you see that Neo-Nazi guy's nose? That band just pulled a Bolt Thrower!
by QueerWrath666 March 17, 2023
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That Apple thrower got arrested by the cops for throwing those apples.
by TheWordSubmitter April 13, 2017
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Yo dog, finish eating that drumstick and throw it out the bone thrower
by Anonymous July 17, 2003
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A Palestinian, a person that comes from the country Palestine.
Mary: She's an Ugly Hoe

Amy: Yeah, I Know its cause she's a rock thrower
by Rolls A Lot May 5, 2005
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